I finally tracked down the UMD version of Batman Begins after months and months of looking for it. How the Hell can it be so hard to track a hit movie from last summer? It is not even listed on the Best Buy website. Well that's not the point of this blog. Rather the point is something I found inside the Batman Begins UMD that I had to share.
Here it is:

UMDs need instructions...really? I love the top that states these are "Quick Start Instructions." Is watching a UMD that complicated? According to this insert indeed they are. The only useful information is that UMDs warp if they stay in the PSP too long. That I did not know.
I remember a time long ago when Sonic and Mario were on the opposite sides of the gaming world in an eternal battle for videogame supremacy. Ok it wasn't that long ago and I am probably overplaying that eternal battle for videogame supremacy bit, but hey a guy has to try and make his blog interesting. The fact is that Sonic and Mario were rivals back then. It was the time of "Genesis Does What Nintendon't" Since Sonic the Hedhog was created many years after Mario had made his debit, I believe that one of the characters in Sonic was directly influenced by the look of Mario. The character I am referring to is clearly Dr. Robonik. Today he is referred to as Eggman or even Dr. Eggman. I prefer Robotnik, but apparently Eggman is the way the Japanese refer to him. I will now present my evidence on my theory by looking at a picture of Dr. Robotnik..ummm Eggman to see what he has in common with Mario's look.
1. Mario is Plump.. Dr. Robotnik is quite plumb on the verge of busting.
2. Mario has a mustache...Dr. Robotnik has a ridiculously large mustache, an exaggerated Mario mustache.
3. Mario almost always wears a hat... Dr. Robotnik is bald perhaps suggesting that Mario is actually bald underneath that hat he wears. He isn't, but this is meant to be a dig on Mario. Ok that was a stretch, but If you put a Mario hat on top of Robotnik's chrome dome he does start to resemble an abstract version of Mario. You know I don't think the identity of Mario's father is known, at least I don't think so. Could it be that Dr. Robotnik is Darth Vader to Mario's Luke Skywalker? Hmmmmm makes you think doesn't it?
4. Mario has white gloves and so does Robotnik.
5.Mario wears a red shirt and so does Robitnik, Dr. Robotnik. On the subject of colors both Mario and Robotnik do have a similiar color palette6.Notice the similar placement of the buttons on Mario and Robotnik. Hmmm I am not so crazy am I? sn't it obvious? I just hope I am not pointing out something that has already been known and I was too slow to catch it until now.
There is another character that has an odd similiarity to Mario in another game. I will just show the box cover and you can draw your own conclusion Hey isn't that Donkey Kong in the background? Hmmm quite curious.